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Current journal metrics
- JCR Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 1.6 (2023)
- JCR 5-Year Impact Factor (5IF): 1.4 (2023)
- CiteScore: 4.1 (2023)
- SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.505 (2023)
- Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.960 (2023)
- Polish ministerial points: 100 (2024)
Calls for papers
There are currently the following calls for papers open, regarding AMCS special issues or sections:
- Machine Learning and Inference in Advanced Applications,
- Methods for Modelling, Control, and Verification of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems.
Latest issue
The latest issue of AMCS, 2025, Vol. 35, No. 1, is a special one on Applications of Incompleteness and Uncertainty Management Methods Andrea Campagner, Oliver Urs Lenz, Shuyin Xia Eds), and covers altogether 13 papers. Many thanks to the Editors and Authors for their cooperation with us on this issue! Preface.
24 March 2025
Forthcoming issue
The next issue, 2025, Vol. 35, No. 2, will be a regular one, to be published in late June 2025.
24 March 2025
Recommended reading
We would like to draw our Readers' attention to the following recent articles:
- A descent generalized RMIL spectral gradient algorithm for optimization problems by Ibrahim M. Sulaiman, P. Kaelo, Ruzelan Khalid, Mohd Kamal M. Nawawi, who develop a new conjugate gradient (CG) search direction that incorporates a well defined spectral parameter while the step size is required to satisfy the famous strong Wolfe line search (SWP) strategy (2024, Vol. 34, No. 2).
- An efficient fault tolerant control scheme for Euler–Lagrange systems by Ivon E. Leal-Leal, Efrain Alcorta-Garcia, who propose an efficient FTC scheme for a class of nonlinear systems (Euler–Lagrange ones), which guarantees high performance and stability in a faulty system (2023, Vol. 33, No. 2).
- Bootstrap methods for epistemic fuzzy data by Przemysław Grzegorzewski, Maciej Romaniuk, who propose a universal nonparametric technique, called the epistemic bootstrap, which could be helpful when the existing methods do not work or do not give satisfactory results when dealing with epistemic fuzzy data (2022, Vol. 32, No. 2).
Instructions updated
Please note that our instructions for authors have been modified. Make sure you download the currently biding version from the Guide section.
1 March 2022
License to publish updated
Please note that our license to publish has been modified to clarify some of the regulations included. Make sure you download the currently biding version from the Guide section.
23 September 2020
Back issues digitized
We are happy to announce that full texts of all AMCS publications are available online – the back issues of our journal, i.e., Volumes 1–10 (1991–2000), totalling 410 papers, have been digitized as scans and made available for download. We hope this will make the earlier works better known in the scientific community.
21 December 2016
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