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Paper list
Number 3 - September 2003
Volume 13 - 2003
- Stochastic models of progression of cancer and their use in controlling cancer-related mortality
Marek Kimmel, Olga Y. Gorlova - Mathematical modeling of the competition between acquired immunity and cancer
Mikhail Kolev - Different models of chemotherapy taking into account drug resistance stemming from gene amplification
Jarosław Śmieja, Andrzej Świerniak - Modelling tumour-immunity interactions with different stimulation functions
Petar Zhivkov, Jacek Waniewski - Logistic equations in tumour growth modelling
Urszula Foryś, Anna Marciniak-Czochra - Selecting differentially expressed genes for colon tumor classification
Krzysztof Fujarewicz, Małgorzata Wiench - Properties of a singular value decomposition based dynamical model of gene expression data
Krzysztof Simek - Population genetics models for the statistics of DNA samples under different demographic scenarios - Maximum likelihood versus approximate methods
Andrzej Polański, Marek Kimmel - Optimal control for a class of compartmental models in cancer chemotherapy
Andrzej Świerniak, Urszula Ledzewicz, Heinz Schättler - Application of the adaptive center-weighted vector median framework for the enhancement of cDNA microarray images
Rastislav Lukac, Bogdan Smołka - Sampling properties of estimators of nucleotide diversity at discovered SNP sites
Alexander Renwick, Penelope E. Bonnen, Dimitra Trikka, David L. Nelson, Ranajit Chakraborty, Marek Kimmel - Dynamics of the tumor - immune system competition - the effect of time delay
Magda Gałach - Analysis of immunotherapy models in the context of cancer dynamics
Zuzanna Szymańska - The EM algorithm and its implementation for the estimation of frequencies of SNP-haplotypes
Joanna Polańska