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Paper list
Number 1 - March 2006
Volume 16 - 2006
- Soft computing in model-based predictive control
Piotr Tatjewski, Maciej Ławryńczuk
Special section - Fuzzy diagnostic reasoning that takes into account the uncertainty of the relation between faults and symptoms
Jan Maciej Kościelny, Michał Syfert
Special section - What is not clear in fuzzy control systems?
Andrzej Piegat
Special section - On fuzzy number calculus
Witold Kosiński
Special section - Niching mechanisms in evolutionary computations
Zdzisław Kowalczuk, Tomasz Białaszewski
Special section - Advances in model-based fault diagnosis with evolutionary algorithms and neural networks
Marcin Witczak
Special section - Comparison of supervised learning methods for spike time coding in spiking neural networks
Andrzej Kasiński, Filip Ponulak
Special section - Nonlinear diagnostic filter design: Algebraic and geometric points of view
Alexey Shumsky, Alexey Zhirabok
Regular section - Fractional Kalman filter algorithm for the states, parameters and order of fractional system estimation
Dominik Sierociuk, Andrzej Dzieliński
Regular section - An extension of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for nonlinear time-varying systems
Tadeusz Kaczorek
Regular section - Optimal erasures in decision-feedback equalization for the Gaussian noise
Jerzy W. Kisilewicz, Arkadiusz Grzybowski
Regular section - Refinement of UML collaborations
Bogumiła Hnatkowska, Zbigniew Huzar, Lech Tuzinkiewicz
Regular section