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Paper details
Number 1 - March 2014
Volume 24 - 2014
From the slit-island method to the Ising model: Analysis of irregular grayscale objects
Przemysław Mazurek, Dorota Oszutowska-Mazurek
The Slit Island Method (SIM) is a technique for the estimation of the fractal dimension of an object by determining the area–
perimeter relations for successive slits. The SIM could be applied for image analysis of irregular grayscale objects and their
classification using the fractal dimension. It is known that this technique is not functional in some cases. It is emphasized in
this paper that for specific objects a negative or an infinite fractal dimension could be obtained. The transformation of the
input image data from unipolar to bipolar gives a possibility of reformulated image analysis using the Ising model context.
The polynomial approximation of the obtained area-perimeter curve allows object classification. The proposed technique is
applied to the images of cervical cell nuclei (Papanicolaou smears) for the preclassification of the correct and atypical cells.
slit island method, area-perimeter method, Ising model, image analysis, cervical cancer