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Paper details
Number 2 - June 2015
Volume 25 - 2015
Probability timed automata for investigating communication processes
Henryk Piech, Grzegorz Grodzki
Exploitation characteristics behaves as a decreasing valors factor (DVF) which can be connected with degradation processes.
It is a structure that consists of independent attributes which represent situations generally connected with a given
exploitation factor. The multi-attribute structure contains attributes directly and indirectly referring to the main factor. Attribute states, by definition, can only maintain or decrease their values. Such situations are met in security, reliability,
exploitation, fatigues and many complex one-directed or irreversible processes. The main goal refers to protocol security
analysis during the realization of the communication run that specifies the assessment of the level of current and oncoming
threats connected with cryptography authentication. In the communication run, the operations of different protocols
mutually interleave. Our concept is based on the algorithm of attributes correction during exploitation process realization
(Blanchet et al., 2008). The monitoring and correcting procedures make it possible to provide forecast information about possible threats on the basis of the structure of the current attribute values.
protocol logic, probabilistic timed automata, communication security